About Us
Dothan's only premiere fine dining restaurant located at The Colby Building in historic downtown Dothan
Bella's voted Best of the Wiregrass Italian Restaurant
Bella's is open downstairs for Maison de Rousse serving Cocktails and assorted Charcuterie Boards
Summer Hours:
The Colby Building
109 West Troy Street
in Historic Downtown Dothan, Alabama
This elegant historic landmark offers the most unique facilities in the tri-states. located at the corner of North Foster Street and West Troy Street.
Originally the J.C.Penney building c.1937 three-story 29,900sq ft, yellow brick facade, department store building; decorative brickwork in upper facade; windows in second-floor front facade have been covered; modern plate glass display windows have replaced original storefront.
Over the last decade, the Thagard Family has renovated the historical building, to provide a successful premiere Fine Dining Restaurant, as well as an elegant Ballroom facility and event space, and most recently the third floor for Suites.
These Suites offer 100sq ft-400sq ft